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Highly heat-reflective, breathable, high-performance acrylic paints and 3rd generation, cross-linking premium elastomeric coatings with 100% memory. Easy water clean-up for exterior walls, trims, and roofs:

* All of our paints and coatings (roof and wall top coats) use InfraRed reflective, low toxic, low-fading, inorganic, oxide mineral pigments that reflect the sun's radiation in formulas optimized to achieve maximum solar heat dissipation.


* Fully IR tintable (factory only), wall cooling and waterproofing systems for all building surface types.

* Fully IR tintable (factory only), cool roof, low-slope/low-shape roof renewal systems.

* All of our products use true purpose engineered, eco-logical Eco-Therm® TechnologyTM  designed to cool buildings down.

* Ultra-Low VOC; No Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPS) 





Heat-reflective, cross-linking, dirt shedding, 100% acrylic paint. Designed as a purpose-built, high performance paint system for concrete tile and clay tile roofs to cool them down. Highly solar reflective with a rating of .41 to .91 depending upon color. (= 41% to +90% of the sun’s radiation heat, "albedo," which is bounced back toward the sky from the coating surface. Can be made in dark colors. Fully waterproofs and exceeds original manufacturer's specifications when used to renew degraded surface concrete roof tiles (both standard and lightweight, flat or curved). 

Low odor, Low VOC. Ethylene glycol free.


Available in Solar-Reflectance optimized, stock or custom colors of your choice.


  • Minimum order per Color: 150 gallons, (suitable for covering 15,000 sq ft (2 coats).

  • Stock White Minimum order: 10 gallons.

  • 10 year No-Peel Guarantee durability (when applied by Approved Applicators).

  • 12 year No-Peel Warranty available for roofs 10,000 sq ft. or larger.​

ECO-THERM® 2500 Elastomeric 


Optimized highest solar-reflectivity per color with our ECO-THERM TechnologyTM IR tint system, CRRC listed White and Light Grey. Custom "cool" colors can be made or matched including darker IR tints, high-build, high-tensile, dirt resistant (surface cross-linking), 3rd generation elastomeric coating system for low-slope roofs. All substrate types including asphalt, urethane foam (SPF), built-up, capsheet, concrete, metal, PVC membrane). Excellent renewal system for prior coated roofs. Cleanable Low-sheen finish. A full waterproofing roof system when our specification is utilized. Low odor, Low VOC. Generally this coating does not require primer. Ethylene glycol free. 

  • Minimum Order: Stock White: 20 gallons

  • Available in Stock Light Grey and Custom Colors Minimum Order:150 gallons suitable for covering +7,000 sq ft in two coats.

  • 12-year No-Peel Guarantee when applied by Approved Applicators. 12 year durability before roof recoating needed.

  • 10, 12 and 15 year Warranties available for roofs of 10,000 sq ft and larger when applied by Approved Applicators


Clear, gloss acrylic polymer sealer (for use over THERMO-SEAL® 1000 coated roof tiles.)

It is an additional protective sealant and a lifespan enhancer. May be utilized singly over properly cleaned or treated tiles. Low odor, Low VOC, low toxic Ethylene glycol free.



(ECO-THERM® Elastomerics

Black acrylic heavy sealer for going over deteriorated mineral surface, cap sheet, modified bitumen and BUR (built up roofing). Consolidates older surfaces that can be saved and to waterproof. To be followed by
ECO-THERM® Basecoat 2200.

ECO-THERM® Basecoat 2200 

 (ECO-THERM® Elastomerics


Standard flexible, base coat "bleed blocker" for sealing and locking in of asphaltics as with cap sheet, tar, hot-mop, and BUR type roofs. Grey or White.

Ethylene glycol free.



(for use with ECO-THERM® 2500)

An iron oxide rich, rust-inhibitive acrylic primer for cleaned, prepped, light or flash rusted metal roofing and/or siding.



(for use with all of our topcoat products)

Acrylic based, high adhesion, polymerized, single-component primer designed for Kynar, TPO single-ply, and all difficult to bond non-porous surfaces.




A Solar-reflective (sun's heat- reflective), cross-linking, breathable, dirt shedding, high-performance, acrylic paint system for use on concrete or stucco walls, and exterior wood trim. Same Solar Reflectance and Thermal Emissivity values as our THERMO-SEAL® 1000 product. Low odor, low VOC, low toxic. Ethylene glycol free.


Available in solar-reflectance optimized, custom colors of your choice. NOT DARK GREENS.

  • Minimum Orders:                   Stock White: 10 gallons.

  • Stock & Custom Colors minimum order: 150 gallons (suitable for covering 3000-3500 sq ft) with 10-year durability.

  • Commercial warranties are available.




for use with THERMO-SEAL® 1500 and ECO-THERM® Elastomeric

A white, high solids, cross-linking, 100% acrylic primer for deteriorated or older prepared wood, concrete, stucco surfaces and harder to bond substrates. Ethylene Glycol free.



for THERMOSEAL® 1500 and

A clear, 100% solids, zero solvent, water-based, 2-part, catalyzed epoxy primer for consolidating deteriorated or older prepared concrete and stucco walls.


A clear, semi-gloss, acrylic polymer sealer for use over THERMO-SEAL® and ECO-THERM® as well as prepared bare stucco and natural wood.

It is an additional protective sealant and lifespan enhancer. May be utilized singly over properly prepared stucco and natural wood surfaces where semi-gloss clear finish is desired. Sealing durability and UV blocking enhanced by 2 or more coats. Low odor, Low VOC, low toxic. Ethylene glycol free.




for use with ECO-THERM® 2500

An iron oxide rich, rust-inhibitive acrylic primer for cleaned, prepped, light or flash rusted metal siding.

2500 ELASTOMERIC for Walls 

Same quality as the roof formula but with greater adhesion for walls. Capability to fully waterproof when correct primer, millage and specifications are followed. Ethylene glycol free.

Not for use below grade.


  • Available in 2 stock Cool Roof Rated solar-reflectance optimized colors.

  • Custom solar-reflectance optimized colors of your choice (minimums apply).

  • Minimum Orders:
    Color Stock White: 20 gallons

  • Custom colors minimum order per color: 150 gallons (suitable for covering +7,000 sq ft)

  • 12-year minimum durability.

  • Commercial warranties are available.



for use with THERMO-SEAL® 1500 and ECO-THERM® Walls formula

An acrylic primer sealant for consolidating porous, dried out, chalking paint, and water compromised stucco and concrete vertical walls.

Ethylene glycol free.


(High-performance DTM)

High performance, field applied durability for cooling down metal roofs, metal buildings siding, old metal siding, large machines (trains, fleet tractors, generators, electronic enclosures, etc.), concrete roof tiles and or building trim where premium durability, cool reflective colors are desired, but not specifically full system waterproofing. Top-of-the-line premium maintenance renewal for all roof tile types. Can be matched to most colors, even very dark ones, utilizing our solar heat-reflective (SR), "optimized" ECO-THERM® TechnologyTM  pigment system, as in THERMO-SEAL® 1000/1500.


Solar-reflective optimized pigmented, 100% acrylic, dirt shedding, with high adhesion and chemical/solvent resistant. As a high-performance, fluid applied thermoplastic coating system, THERMO-SEAL® 1500M can be used for exterior metal and other surfaces of all kinds (primer may be required depending upon surface condition). Exceptional surface hardness coupled with superior, molecular level "cross-linking" bonding strength to substrates gives it unsurpassed resistance to dirt, salts, and environmental pollutant degradation for excellent gloss and solar-reflectivity retention. Low VOC, Low Toxic. No ethylene glycol. 

Semi-gloss and Gloss.

Stock White Minimum Order: 10 gallons.

Custom Colors Minimum Order: 150 gallons.


Siliconized Urethane Caulk / Seam Sealant

NEW PRODUCT for 2019 -  A high performance, sealant technology for all types of architectural seams, and roof penetrations. Zero plasticizing chemistry means no dirt adhesion or pick-up through finished coats will occur. Compatible with all our acrylic basecoats, topcoats and underneath silicone roof coatings. Sticks to virtually anything: wood, concrete stucco, metals, asphalt shingle/cap sheet, PVC, aged TPO, plastics, glass. Excellent for filling dissimilar materials seams. Handles deep fills fills up to 1" and up to 5/8" width.

© 2024 by The Ultimate Coatings Company LLC.

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